‘He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners’ Isaiah 61:1 (NIV)
I have been ministering to people since 1973 after receiving a depth of inner healing when I first became a Christian and attended St Andrews Church Chorleywood. As I continued to receive healing, I was also involved in prayer ministry and pastoral prayer ministry under the leadership of David & Mary Pytches and Barry Kissell.
Although I am still on that journey to wholeness, my passion is to set the captives free and enable others to do likewise. My husband Ken and I joined Mike Pilavachi and Matt Redman in planting and growing Soul Survivor Watford Church in 1993. Also for many years Ken and I travelled with Mike Pilavachi along with various teams to many parts of the world ministering at Conferences and Festivals.
This led to Ken and I travelling together around the UK and abroad to various churches and conferences, to people of all ages, speaking and ministering in the area of prayer ministry and inner healing.
This was a very fruitful time of seeing the Holy Spirit enabling many people to minister for the first time or encouraging others to go deeper with Him into receiving inner healing.
Since the beginning my heart’s desire has been a simple one to “set the captives free and to enable others to do likewise” .
Very sadly in 2016 after a shock diagnosis of stage 4 cancer my husband Ken died nine months later. We had been married for 48 years. As you can imagine this was devastating.
I took the next 2 years away from ministry to concentrate on grieving. Also I decided I didn’t want to run away, hide or bury my grief. Also I didn’t want to be too busy to think, but to give myself space, so that I could process what had happened, grieve my loss and spend time with Jesus and my family.
At the beginning of 2020 although obviously still grieving I felt ready to launch back into ministry.
As soon as this decision was made I received two invitations to speak at Conferences at the beginning of 2020, which confirmed to me the timing of my decision.
As I continue with the same hearts desire I want to concentrate on the inner healing aspect of prayer ministry. For individuals to receive inner healing directly or equipping others to minister.
My hope is that through practising the healing ministry of Jesus inside the church, or receiving inner healing for ourselves we will take His healing love out into the world, onto the streets and into the Homes of family and friends.
Jeannie Morgan