During some Youth Festivals last year I ministered to many many people who all hated themselves. Unfortunately, it isn't just young people who feel this way about themselves, but people of all ages.
Sometimes people say they don't like themselves. If left unaddressed this can often develop into self-hatred.
If we just pray for them to change this decision it doesn't change things because they have chosen to do this with their will and the enemy will keep them to this choice. They have bound themselves. So they are the only ones that can do something about this.
In this instance, I usually stop ministering and explain the previous two sentences. Then I explain that when God made the world, the animals and plants he saw that it was GOOD and He was pleased. Then I continue "When He made man and woman he saw that it was VERY GOOD and He was really pleased. If we don't like what He made what He really likes and LOVES, it's like saying that He made a mistake when He made YOU. GOD DOESNT MAKE MISTAKES HE MAKES PEOPLE HE LOVES. The Bible says He is perfect in ALL His ways." (Psalm 18:30) (2 Samuel 22:31).
Then I lead the person to say sorry to Jesus by saying in their own words 'I am sorry Jesus that I don't like what you like. 'Then next I prompt them to pray something like 'Jesus I am sorry I don't love what you Love'. The next step 'Jesus I am sorry I don't like and love myself'.
Doing this in three stages can be helpful to someone who has bound themselves with the negative choice and then given an entrance to the enemy keeping them to this choice. It's little by little building up until they can make the choice.
As they start to say sorry, for some, this will be easy to do. For others, each prayer will be a struggle. If it is a struggle I get them to put their will behind the choice they are making to ask for forgiveness. The next stage is for them to receive forgiveness.
I usually encourage someone by signing them with the sign of the cross on their forehead while saying 'I sign you with the sign of the cross, everything that Jesus did on the cross was enough for you to be forgiven. Just receive it from Him now'. Then I check with them that they have received forgiveness. At this stage, it may be that the Receiver also needs to forgive themselves, to let it go of this and any blame.
The next stage is Receiver to then make a different choice. I explain this, and if they want to do this I lead them to reverse their original choice. I prompt them to say to Jesus ' In Jesus name I choose to like what you like'. Then continuing the next stage 'In Jesus name I choose to love what you love. 'Continuing' In Jesus name I choose to like myself'. 'In Jesus name I choose to love myself'. Sometimes during these last two choices some people get stuck and find it difficult to speak. At this point I will bind self hatred (or if applicable I will do this earlier in prayer ministry) and then break the power of this in Jesus' name. Then I would encourage the person to push through using their will. Then keep encouraging them until they can say it.
At this point either the person lets out a sigh or they smile or feel space inside that wasn't there before.
Next, I would ask Jesus to bring healing to whatever made them hate themselves. Sometimes it is because they hate the person who has hurt them so they need to say sorry to Jesus for the hatred they feel towards them and receive forgiveness and then release forgiveness to the perpetrator.
For more details of all this see my book Our Hands His Healing: A Practical Guide to Prayer Ministry and Inner Healing.